Puzzles | Brain Teasers | Aptitude Questions


1. What are the only English words with three consecutive repeated letters. For example, sweet-toothed would be one (ee,tt,oo) if it weren't for the hyphen.


Bookkeeper and the related forms of the word, such as bookkeeping.


2. A man is six feet tall, is a clerk at a butcher shop, and wears size 11 shoes. What does he weigh?


He weighs meat


3. 75% can be written as 3/4. How would 58 1/3% be written as a fraction (when reduced to the lowest denominator)?


7/12. The easiest way to do this? 58 1/3% is 58.333.. out of 100. Multiply both the denominator and numerator by three to make them both whole numbers, and you have 175/300. Now just reduce this.


4. How can you arrange four ordinary wineglasses on an ordinary table so that "foot" (center of the bottom of the stem) of each is the same distance from all the others?


Place the first three in an equilateral triangle so that the foot of each is the same distance from the others as the height of a wineglass. Then place the fourth wineglass in the middle of the triangle, upside down.

Further explanation:

The 4 foots have to form a regular tetrahedron. Therefore the areas of the triangles have to be the same.

Area of triangle = (1/2)*b*h

Area of equilateral triangle = 0.433*b^2

h = 1 (the height of 1 wineglass)

Therefore: 0.5*b*1 = 0.433*b^2

b = 1.1547 ( 1.1547 times the height of 1 wineglass)


5. If measured from the center of the planet, which mountain on Earth is the highest?


Mount Chimborazo, in Ecuador. Everest is the highest above sea level, but because of the way the Earth bulges at the center, Chimborazo (6010 meters, or 20,600 feet above sea level) is the highest when measured from the center of the planet. To put it another way, it is the furthest out into space or the closest to the sun


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