Interesting Facts About Argentina

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  • Argentina was named from Argentum, the element of silvers Latin name.
  • The oldest dinosaur types are known from rocks in Argentina and Brazil and are about 230 million years old.
  • Argentina is the eight largest country of the world, spreading over an area of approximately 2,766,890 sq. km.
  • Pato is the official national sport of Argentina. It is a combination of polo and basketball.
  • The Teatro Coln, situated in Buenos Aires (the capital and biggest city of Argentina), is one of the prime opera houses in the world.
  • Measuring 2,700 in diameter and 80m high, the Iguassu falls of Argentina is one of the largest waterfall in the world.
  • Argentina is the 3rd biggest producer of beef in the world.
  • Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina, is the 3rd most populated city worldwide.
  • The hottest and coldest temperature extremes recorded in South America have occurred in Argentina.


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